Safe Space (2014) – Trailer with eng subtitles

Director: Zora Rux
Producer: Fred Burle
Cinematographer: Agnesh Pakozdi
Montage: Nina Caspers
Trailer by: Henning Stöve
Format: Super 16 | 1:1,85
© dffb 2014 | 13 Min.

Festivals (selection):
* Internationale Hofer Filmtage
* FICMEC Lebanon
* Vox Feminae
* Filmfest Dresden
* San Sebastian Human Rights IFF
* Olhar de Cinema – Curitiba IFF
* Curtas Vila do Conde ISFF
* Säo Paulo ISFF
* Montreal World FF
* Viña del Mar IFF

* Next Generation Prize – with Market Screening at Cannes Film Festival 2015 (provided by German Films)
* 2nd Place Jury Award Mosaic Film Experience (Michigan, USA)
* «The Hot Issue» Award at Luksuz Film Festival Slovenia
* Max-Bresele Prize for a social relevant film at Regensburg Short Film Week
* Short of the Year at FiSH Festival Rostock
* 3rd Place Public Award at FiSH Festival Rostock
* Gold «Zollstock» for the «measure of all things» at Wendland Shorts
* Prevention Prize of Main Taunus Kreis @ Shorts at Moonlight
* Best Student Film @ Logan Film Festival
* Best Film for Human Rights Education @Entretodos Human Rights FF Säo Paulo